What is Form FC-TRS?
Form FC-TRS is filed for transfer of equity instruments between:
Regulations/Master Directions Applicable:
Who is required to file Form FC-TRS?
The resident transferor / transferee or the person resident outside India holding equity instruments on a non-repatriable basis, as the case may be.
Which transactions to be reported in Form FC-TRS:
Transactions not to be reported in Form FC-TRS:
Transfer of equity instruments in accordance with the rules by way of sale between a person resident outside India holding equity instruments on a non-repatriable basis and person resident in India.
Due date of filing:
The form FC-TRS shall be filed within sixty (60) days of transfer of equity instruments or receipt / remittance of funds whichever is earlier.
Form FC- TRS Filing Process:
FIRMS is an online portal for reporting of foreign investment into India. It facilitates filing of Single Master Form (SMF) which provides for the reporting of 9 forms for foreign investment viz., FC-GPR, FC-TRS, LLP-I, LLP-II, CN, DRR, ESOP, DI and InVi. For filing of Form FC-TRS, following steps need to be taken:
List of documents to be submitted along with Form FC- TRS:
(A) For Transfer by way of Gift:
(B) For transfer by way of sale (Private Arrangement) :
(C) For transfer by way of sale (On Stock Exchange):
Late Submission Fee (LSF) Matrix for Reporting Delays, wherever applicable:
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