Application for removal of auditor(s) from his/their office before expiry of term

The auditor can be removed from his office before the expiry of his term only by passing a special resolution* and after obtaining prior approval of the Central Government.


All types of companies

Important Points

The Auditor appointed can be removed before the expiry of his term only after:

  1. Special resolution passed by members of the Company
  2. Prior approval of Central Government is obtained
  3. Special Notice required for passing a resolution at AGM appointing an auditor other than retiring auditor/providing retiring auditor will not be reappointed except where he has completed his tenure of 5/10 years
  4. Where Notice of the aforesaid resolution is received, a copy of the same to be sent to the retiring auditor
  5. If auditor makes a representation, the same to be sent to members 
  6. Application to be made to Central Government in ADT – 2
  7. Application to be made within 30 days of Board resolution
  8. Company to hold General Meeting within sixty days of receipt of approval of the Central Government for passing the special resolution.

But the auditor should be given an opportunity of being heard before taking the above steps.

*A resolution shall be a special resolution when—

(a) the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution has been duly specified in the notice calling the general meeting or other intimation given to the members of the resolution;

(b) the notice required under this Act has been duly given; and

(c) the votes cast in favour of the resolution, whether on a show of hands, or electronically or on a poll, as the case may be, by members who, being entitled so to do, vote in person or by proxy or by postal ballot, are required to be not less than three times the number of the votes, if any, cast against the resolution by members so entitled and voting.

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