Form 56F

Form 56F to be furnished by Units in Special Economic Zones under Rule 16D

Income Tax

Income Tax Amendment (26th Amendment) Rules, 2023: Units in Special Economic Zones are required to furnish report from a Chartered Accountant in Form 56F under Rule 16D of Income Tax Rules, 1962

Rule 16D: The report of an accountant which is required to be furnished by the assessee, under sub-section (8) of section 10AA read with sub-section (5) of section 10A shall be in Form No. 56F.

Form 56F is required to be furnished on or before 6 months from the end of the Financial Year, i.e. 30th September every year

As per the Income Tax Circular dated October 20, 2023, the due date to furnish Form 56F for AY 2023-24 (FY 2022-23) is extended till 31st December 2023 (

As per the Income Tax Circular dated February 18, 2025, the due date to furnish Form 56F for AY 2024-25 (FY 2023-24) is extended till 31st March 2025 (

Form 56 F contains the details w.r.t. deduction to be claimed by the assessee under section 10AA in respect of assessment year, which is to be determined on the basis of the details mentioned in Annexure of the Form 56F.

Summary is tabulated below:

Extract of Form 56F

Extract of Form 56F

Report under section 10AA of the Income -tax Act, 1961

  1. I/We * have examined the accounts and records of ____________________________________ (name and address of the assessee with permanent account number) relating to the business of their Unit named __________ engaged in the export of articles or things or provision of services during the year ended on the 31st March__________.


  1. * I/We certify that the Unit is located at _______________________________________(exact location of the Unit) registered under _____________________ special economic zone * and that the deduction to be claimed by the assessee under section 10AA of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in respect of the assessment year __________________ is Rs.___________________________, which has been determined on the basis of the details in Annexure A to this Form.


  1. I/We * certify that I/We * have collected all the relevant information necessary for computing the deduction allowable under this section and have verified the same with reference to the accounts and records of the assessee.


  1. In my/our * opinion and to the best of my/our * knowledge and according to the explanations given to me/us*, the particulars given in the Annexure A are true and correct.



Date _________________________                                                                  Signed


ANNEXURE A [See paragraph 2 of Form 56F]

Details relating to the claim by the exporter for deduction under section 10AA of the Income -tax Act, 1961

  1. Name of the assessee
  2. Assessment year.
  3. Name of the Unit
  4. Location and address of the Unit
  5. Nature of business of the Unit
  6. Date of initial registration in SEZ
  7. Date of commencement of manufacture or production or provision of services
  8. Number of the consecutive year for which the deduction is claimed
  9. Total turnover of the business
  10. Total turnover of the Unit
  11. Total profits derived by the business
  12. Total profits derived by the Unit
  13. Total export turnover
  14. Export proceeds received in convertible foreign exchange of the Unit in respect of (a) articles or things, or (b) provision of services
  15. Sale proceeds of the Unit in respect of (a) articles or things, or (b) provision of services
  16. Please specify
  • whether the full consideration in convertible foreign exchange for exports made by the Unit was brought into India within a period of six months from the end of the previous year *Yes/No
  • If not, whether it was brought into India within such further period in the previous year as allowed by the competent authority *Yes/No
  • Specify the amount and the relevant previous year in case such amount is brought into India in convertible foreign exchange beyond the period of six months from the end of relevant previous year and with the approval of the Competent authority, where such amount relates to any other previous year. Also state the name of the authority and the period up to which the approval was accorded
  • Amount of sale proceeds, if any, that are credited to a separate account maintained by the assessee with any bank outside India and the reference number of Reserve Bank of India according to permission of the same
  • Amount of deduction under section 10AA to which the assessee is entitled with the working sheet
  • Qualifications, if any, on the above”.

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