In today’s world, being technologically advanced is essential for a country’s growth. However, with advancements in technology comes the generation of more e-waste, which is hazardous to the environment. To move towards a circular economy, it is imperative to focus more on sustainability and re-usability of existing electrical devices, rather than outright purchasing new electronics.
The Indian Government has already formulated rules such as E-waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011, and E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016, which have now been superseded by the E-waste (Management) Rules, 2022, effective from 01.04.2023. These rules aim to ensure proper e-waste management and disposal.
The new rules include the following –
A brief summary of the various provisions and requirements of E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022 is detailed below:
1.Registration as manufacturer, refurbisher, producer or recycler:
Entities to register on the online system developed by the Central Pollution Control Board in any of the following categories:-
(a) manufacturer;
(b) producer;
(c) refurbisher; or
(d) recycler.
2. Responsibility of manufacturer/producer/refurbisher/recycler:
3. Responsibility of manufacturer:
4. Responsibility of producer of electrical and electronic equipment listed in Schedule I:
Provided that the producer having extended producer responsibility plan under the provisions of the erstwhile E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 shall migrate under these rules as per the procedure laid down by the Central Pollution Control Board with approval of Steering Committee;
5. Responsibilities of a Refurbisher:
6. Responsibilities of bulk consumer:
7. Responsibilities of the recycler:
Provided that it shall be the responsibility of recycler to ensure proper material flow to and from those dismantlers and the dismantler shall give dismantled material to registered recycler only and maintain record of the same.
8. Procedure for storage of e waste:
9. Management of solar photo-voltaic modules or panels or cells: Every manufacturer and producer of solar photo-voltaic modules or panels or cells shall, –
(i) ensure registration on the portal;
(ii) store solar photo-voltaic modules or panels or cells waste generated up to the year 2034- 2035 as per the guidelines laid down by the Central Pollution Control Board in this regard;
(iii) file annual returns in the laid down form on the portal on or before the end of the year to which the return relates up to year 2034-2035;
(iv) ensure that the processing of the waste other than solar photo-voltaic modules or panels or cells shall be done as per the applicable rules or guidelines for the time being in force;
(v) ensure that the inventory of solar photo-voltaic modules or panels or cells shall be put in place distinctly on portal;
(vi) comply with SOP and guidelines laid down by the CPCB in this regard.
Recycler of solar photo-voltaic modules or panels or cells shall be mandated for recovery of material as laid down by the Central Pollution Control Board in this regard.
10. Transportation of e-waste:
11. Accident reporting:
12. Extended producer responsibility Regime (EPR):
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