Hazardous Chemical means
i. Any chemical which satisfies any of the criteria laid down in Part I of Schedule 1 or listed in column 2 of Part II of this Schedule;
ii. Any chemical listed in column 2 of Schedule 2;
iii. Any chemical listed in column 2 of Schedule 3
Applicability of these Rules: These rules shall apply to:
i. Industrial activity involving hazardous chemical which satisfies any of the criteria laid down in Part I of Schedule I or listed in column 2 of Part II of Schedule I.
ii. Isolated storage of a hazardous chemical listed in Schedule 2 in a quantity equal to or more than the threshold quantity specified in column 3, thereof.
Any occupier on whom these rules shall apply is required to:
Notification of a major accident at site: The occupier of an industrial undertaking is required to notify to concerned authority within 48 hours of any major accident occurred on site. The occupier shall also notify to the concerned authority, steps taken to avoid any repetition of such occurrence on a site.
Industrial activity to which Rule 7 to Rule 15 shall apply:
i. Quantity of a hazardous chemical listed in column 2 of Schedule 3 which is equal to or more than the quantity specified in the entry for that chemical in columns 3 and 4.
ii. Isolated storage in which there is involved a quantity of a hazardous chemical listed in column 2 of Schedule 2 which is equal to or more than the quantity specified in the entry for that chemical in columns 3 and 4.
Rule 7: Approval for undertaking an activity – The occupier is required to take an approval from the concerned authority at least 3 months prior to the commencement of the operations.
Rule 8: Updating of the site information following changes in the threshold quantity – The occupier is required to report the changes made in the activity which is reported under Rule 7 to the concerned authority.
Rule 10(1): Safety Report – The occupier is required to prepare and submit a Safety Report containing the information specified in Schedule 8 to the concerned authority at least 90 days prior to the commencement of the operations.
Rule 10(4): Safety Audit – The occupier is required to conduct an independent safety audit of the respective industrial activities with the help of an expert, not associated with such industrial activities and submit the audit report to the concerned authority within 30 days of completion of the audit.
Rule 13: Preparation of on-site emergency plan by the occupier – The occupier is required to prepare and keep upto date on-site emergency plan containing details specified in Schedule I.
Rule 13(4): Mock Drill of Emergency Plan – The occupier is required to conduct a Mock Drill of the on-site emergency plan every 6 months and required to be submitted to the concerned authority.
Rule 17(3): Safety Data Sheet – The occupier on whom these rules are applicable is required to prepare a Safety Data Sheet as specified in Schedule 9, having information recorded accurately and reflecting the scientific evidence used in making the hazard determination.
Rule 17(4): Labelling of hazardous chemical container – Every container of a hazardous chemical shall be clearly labelled or marked to identify:
Rule 18(5): Records of Import of Hazardous Chemicals – Any person importing hazardous chemicals shall maintain the records of the hazardous chemicals imported as specified in Schedule 10 and the records so maintained shall be open for inspection by the concerned authority.
Link to Schedules of this rule:
Page 711-748: https://cpcb.nic.in/7thEditionPollutionControlLawSeries2021.pdf
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