Certain Exporter Firms can get Status Holder Certification under Foreign Trade Policy to get recognition under the policy as Business Leaders who have excelled in international trade and have successfully contributed to the country’s foreign trade.
The status holders are expected to not only contribute towards country’s foreign trade, but also expected to provide guidance to new entrepreneurs.
All exporters of goods, services and technology having an import-export code (IEC) number, on the date of application, shall be eligible for recognition as a status holder based on export performance.
An applicant may be categorized as status holder on achieving the threshold export performance in the current and preceding three financial years as indicated below:
The export performance shall be counted on the basis of FOB of export earnings in freely convertible foreign currencies or in Indian Rupees.
For granting status, an export performance would be necessary in all the 3 preceding financial years (and in all the 2 preceding financial years for Gems & Jewellery Sector).
Conditions for Grant of Status
Privileges of Status Holders
Privileges of Status Holders
Validity of Status Holder Certificate:
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