Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 are governed by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Any reference to Act under these rules relates to the Explosives Act, 1884. These rules are in supersession of Gas Cylinders Rules, 2004.
These rules contain provisions for filling, possession, import, transport, licensing, storage, handling of cylinders, their examination and testing, etc. Some of the important provisions as outlined in the Gas Cylinders Rules, 2016 are reproduced herein below.
The cylinders shall be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place under cover, away from boilers, open flames, steam pipes or any potential sources of heat and such place of storage shall be easily accessible.
The storage room or shed shall be of fire-resistant construction.
Thin wall cylinder such as liquefied petroleum gas cylinder and dissolved gas cylinder shall not be stacked in a horizontal position.
any flammable and non-toxic gas when the total number of cylinders containing such gas does not exceed twenty-five or the total weight of gas does not exceed 200 kg whichever is less, at a time;
any non-flammable non-toxic gas when the total number of such cylinders does not exceed two hundred at a time;
any toxic gas when the total quantity of such cylinders does not exceed five at a time;
acetylene gas contained in cylinder in dissolved state when the total quantity of such cylinder does not exceed twenty-five at a time.
No license required for LPG up to 100 kg for own use, distribution, or sale from a dealer/distributor’s sales room.
to the Chief Controller or Controller under whose jurisdiction the area falls by Fax, e-mail followed by a letter giving particulars of the occurrence within twelve hours;
to the District Authority concerned;
to the officer-in-charge of the nearest Police Station by the quickest mode of communication
Pending the visit of the Chief Controller or Controller or until instruction is received from the Chief Controller or Controller that he does not wish to make any further investigation or inquiry all wreckage and debris shall be left untouched except insofar as its removal may be necessary for the rescue of the persons injured and recovery of the bodies of any persons killed by the accident or in the case of railway or road for the restoration of through communication or traffic.
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