What is Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA)?
The Environment (Protection) Act of 1986 was established by the Indian Parliament to oversee and manage pollution and safeguard the environment within India. Central Ground Water Authority has been constituted under Section 3 (3) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to regulate and control development and management of ground water resources in the country.
Further, to have sustainable management of water resources in the country groundwater abstraction guidelines have been prepared to regulate groundwater extraction and conserve the scarce groundwater resources in the country. These guidelines will come into force with immediate effect from the date of Gazette Notification and will supersede all earlier guidelines issued by the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA). These guidelines will have PAN India applicability. Ground water abstraction in States/ UTs (which are not regulating ground water abstraction) shall continue to be regulated by Central Ground Water Authority. Further, wherever States/ UTs have come out with their own groundwater abstraction guidelines, which are inconsistent with the CGWA guidelines, the provisions of CGWA guidelines will prevail. However, in case the guidelines followed by such States/ UTs contain some more stringent provisions than CGWA guidelines, such provisions may also be given effect to by the States/ UTs Authorities in addition to those contained in the CGWA guidelines. States may be at liberty to suggest additional conditions/ criteria based on the local hydro-geological situations which shall be reviewed by CGWA/Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India before acceptance.
What are the functions and Powers of Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA)?
The CGWA (Central Ground Water Authority) is responsible for issuing NOC (No Objection Certificate) under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act of 1986. This certificate allows it to enforce directions and take necessary actions as mentioned in Section 3(2) of the Act. It also implements penalties outlined in Sections 15 to 21 of the Act. Additionally, it delineates steps for regulating and controlling the management and development of groundwater across the country. The CGWA appoints officials to carry out its functions under Section 4 of the Environment (Protection) Act of 1986.
When is the CGWA NOC Certificate/Permission required?
The CGWA permission for ground water abstraction is required for following purposes:
Exemptions from seeking No Objection Certificate:
Following categories of consumers shall be exempted from seeking No Objection Certificate for ground water extraction:
General compliance conditions in No Objection Certificate:
Renewal of No Objection Certificate:
Category | Use | Term of renewal |
Critical, Semi-critical, And Safe | Infrastructure projects for drinking & domestic use and urban Water Supply Agencies | 5 years |
Industries | 3 years | |
Mines | 2 years | |
Over exploited | All users in ‘Over-exploited areas’ | years |
For more details, please refer to Consolidated MoJS guidelines issued to regulate and control ground water extraction in India vide MoJS Notification dated 24.09.2020 with Amendment Notification dated 29.03.2023:
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