Trade Notice No. 09/2024-25 dated July 23, 2024
Relevant Department: Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Relevant Act: Customs Act, 1962
From time-to-time, DGFT has been receiving requests for verification of authorisation of Licences, Authorisations, Scrips, Certificates, Instruments etc. issued by DGFT. In this regard, DGFT has informed that the provision for verification of authenticity of electronically-issued documents is already implemented on the DGFT Website for all stakeholders.
A Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) is embossed at the top-right corner for all electronically-issued documents. The given UDIN may be keyed in on the DGFT Website ( — > Services — > Info for Customs Authorities — > Verify UDIN. No specific website login credentials are required for verification of the UDIN. On entering the UDIN, the complete electronic document shall be available for download. For verification of authenticity of any paper copy of a document, the details may be compared with the electronic copy downloaded vide the UDIN.
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