IEPFA announces New Grievances Redressal Mechanism Effective from September 6, 2024

On August 30, 2024, Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority  (IEPFA) has announced a new grievance redressal mechanism effective from September 6, 2024 as follows:
  1. Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA) is mandated to refund unclaimed shares and dividends to the rightful claimants, based on the claim application made under Form IEPF-5.
  2. For the purpose of addressing grievances, different mail IDs like,, were used.
  3. In order to streamline the grievance redressal system, a “Grievances Ticketing System” with upgraded features has been established for updating the investors in respect of the status of their claims/queries.
  4. Henceforth, all grievances/queries regarding status of the claims/dividends would be responded through “Grievances Ticketing System” only. A flow chart in PPT format titled “How to Register Grievances” has been uploaded on the webpage ( under “What is New”-Notices and Circulars.
  5. Usage of above all email-IDs shall be disabled/discontinued w.e.f from 06th September-2024 for Grievances Redressal
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