Implementation of E-way Bill for Intrastate Movement of Gold and Precious Stones Kept in Abeyance

Act Name/Rule Name: State Goods and Services Tax, 2017

Type of Document: Notification

State: Kerala

Date: 08-01-2025

Circular No./Notification No.: SGST/6282/2023-PLC1

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (1) of Rule 138F of the Kerala Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017, the date of implementation of Notification No. 10/2024-State Tax dated 27.12.2024 is kept in abeyance pending the notification of a fresh implementation date. The notification relates to the implementation of an e-way bill for the intrastate movement of gold and precious stones, which was initially set for 1st January 2025. Due to technical issues in the online portal for generating e-way bills for these commodities, the implementation date is postponed until a new date is notified.

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