Facility for De-Linking Erroneously Linked Member IDs from UAN  

Applicable Act/Rule: Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 

Type of Document: Circular 

Date: January 17, 2025 

Circular No.: WSU/Erroneous Linking of UAN/E-838432/2024-25/10 

This circular from the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) introduces a new facility that allows employees to correct mistakes related to their Universal Account Number (UAN). 

Key Points: 

  • Erroneous Linking of Member IDs (MIDs): Sometimes, an employee’s UAN gets linked to the wrong Member ID (a record representing an employer-employee relationship under EPFO). This can happen without the employee’s knowledge, leading to errors in their provident fund records. 
  • New Facility for Delinking: 
  • EPFO has created a feature that enables employees to remove (delink) any wrongly attached Member ID from their UAN. 
  • Employees can now ensure their UAN only contains valid Member IDs associated with their actual employment. 
  • User Guidance: A detailed manual has been provided to explain the steps involved in the delinking process. This manual is meant to help employees and employers use the feature effectively. 
  • Publicity and Awareness: EPFO has directed its field offices to inform all employers and employees about this facility so that they can use it properly to rectify such errors. 

What It Means for Employees:  

  • Employees can now take control of their UAN records and ensure there are no errors caused by incorrect linkages. 
  • They won’t have to face complications related to incorrect employment records affecting their provident fund claims, withdrawals, or transfers. 


  • For Members: Improved accuracy in provident fund records and an easier process to resolve errors. 
  • For Employers/EPFO Offices: Fewer grievances related to such mistakes, leading to smoother operations. 

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