Terms and Conditions for Promotion and Advertising of Projects Registered with U.P. RERA

Act Name/Rule Name: Uttar Pradesh Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016

Type of Document: Notice

State: Uttar Pradesh

Date: January 23, 2025

Circular No./Notification No.: 628/U.P. RERA/Tech. Cell/2024-25

If a project is registered with U.P. RERA, any promotional materials (such as brochures, ads, application forms, etc.) related to that project must include:

    • A QR code from the project’s registration certificate (Form C).
    • The RERA registration number.
    • The project’s collection bank account no.
    • A link to the official U.P. RERA website (https://www.up-rera.in)
  • The registration certificate must be displayed at the project’s main office, site office, and project location.
  • The developer must also follow the relevant safety standards in construction, including electrical safety regulations.
  • Every quarter, developers need to submit updates related to the project within 15 days of the expiry of quarter.

If a developer promotes or advertises an unregistered project, it can result in penalties (Sections 59, 61, and 62).

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