Seeking details of manually issued Certificates of Origin in contravention of DGFT guidelines

Notification/Circular No.: Trade Notice No. 28/2024-25 
Document Date: 12 February 2025 
Applicable Act/Rule: Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 
Applicable Section/Rule: Guidelines for Certificate of Origin issuance 
Effective Date: 12 February 2025 

DGFT has restated that all Certificates of Origin (CoO) must be issued electronically via the eCoO 2.0 platform. (i.e. Reports indicate that some agencies continue to issue manual CoOs despite prior notices mandating electronic issuance. 

  1. Exporters must not accept manually issued CoOs beyond the specified deadlines which was earlier December 31, 2024 later extended till January 17, 2025 (only in case of Preferential Certificate of Origin (eCoO)), or they will be considered null and void. 
  2. Indian Missions abroad are informing trade and customs authorities of partner countries about the mandate, and non-compliant CoOs may be rejected. 
  3. Any violations should be reported to DGFT on
  4. Issuing agencies continuing non-compliance risk removal from the list of authorized CoO agencies. 

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