Notification/Circular No.: 11/ 2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.)
Document Date: 17th February, 2025
Applicable Act/Rule: Customs Act, 1962
Effective date: To be notified
The regulations facilitate trade by allowing designated importers to store and clear goods at authorised premises instead of ports.
a)Importers with Tier II or III AEO status, having a designated place within a licensed bonded warehouse (under Section 58/58A), permitted under Section 65, for goods classified under headings 8517-8548.
b) such imported goods only, where no order is made under section 47 or section 60 of the Act and the importer is intending to avail clearance at Authorised Importer Premises.
Registration: Importers must apply to the Commissioner of Customs for approval of their premises. Verification and decision to be completed within seven days.
Process: Importers must declare intent in the Bill of Entry. On arrival and electronic clearance, an automated system grants permission for storage at authorised premises, except in cases of scanning issues, pending approvals, or intelligence-based holds.
Movement & Clearance: Goods move under bond with secured seals (unless exempted). A bond officer at the premises may examine goods and report to the port. After formalities, goods may be cleared for home consumption (Section 47) or warehousing (Section 60).
Importer’s Obligations: Maintain custody, ensure safe storage, facilitate handling, clear or remove goods within 15 days of permission granted (extendable on valid reasons), maintain records, and comply with all relevant laws.
Penalties & Suspension: Non-compliance can lead to suspension/revocation of authorisation and penalties under Section 158(2)(ii).
Relaxation: The Board may exempt certain goods from provisions under specified conditions.
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