Guidance Document/SOP for Registration of Used Oil Importer at EPR Portal for Used Oil Management

Type of Document: Guidance Document /SOP

Release date: Feb 2025

Releasing authority: CPCB, Delhi

Applicable Act/Rules: Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016; Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Second Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change amended the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, with the “Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Second Amendment Rules, 2023” on 18th September 2023. The amendment introduces Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for managing Used Oil in India.

Under the new rules, producers of Base Oil or Lubrication Oil and importers of Used Oil are responsible for EPR based on the quantity of oil placed in the market or imported. Used Oil Importers must fulfill their EPR obligations by purchasing EPR Certificates from registered recyclers.

Para 26 of the rules mandates that producers, collection agents, recyclers, and Used Oil importers register on the EPR portal developed by CPCB. This document provides guidance on filling of applications by Used Oil Importer and processing of applications.

Used Oil Importer here means any person or entity who imports used oil.

Applicability of SOP:

Used Oil Importer shall submit an online application along with the relevant information, documents and registration fees as per the details outlined in subsequent sections of this document.

Guidance for filling of Applications by Used Oil Importer:

The Used Oil Importers are required to start the process of filing the application by signing up at the web portal followed by filling of registration form consisting of 4 parts namely:

(1) General Details

(2) Details of Used Oil Importer

(3) EPR Target & Declaration

(4) Payment details

Procedure for generation of Login credentials has been specified in detail in the SOP. After login, the user may select the type of entity (in case more than one entity selected during sign-up) and initiate Registration Process. The user shall ensure that the copy of following documents (pdf document) is readily available with them for filing the registration form:

1. Company GST certificate

2. PAN card of the company

3. IEC certificate

4. CIN document

5. TIN document

6. PAN card of authorized person

Registration fees:

The entity shall pay the registration fees as per the details given below along with the application for registration:

Registration fee for Used Oil Importer

Registration fee for Used Oil Importer

S no

Quantity of Used oil imported (MTPA)

Registration Fees Amounts (INR)


> 1,00,000 MT



> 50,000 – 1,00,000 MT



> 10,000 – 50,000 MT



1,000 – 10,000 MT



500-1,000 MT



< 500 MT


Processing of application:

The application to be processed within 21 working days of submission by CPCB. For any missing information, the applicant shall be informed through portal only. Applications shall be rejected for false/irrelevant information. Application fees shall be forfeited in such cases. Fresh applications along with application fees will have to be submitted for Registration. Portal-generated digitally signed Registration Certificate shall be granted through the Portal. Where applications are resubmitted after  stipulated time period, late fees will have to be paid.

Amendment of Registration:

For any amendments within 21 days after submitting the form for registration no charges will be applicable, however for any amendments after the 21 days, CPCB charges Rupees 10,000 for processing and implementing each requested amendment to registration documents.

Revocation of Registration:

  1. Any registered entity furnishes false information or willfully conceals information for registration or return or report or information required to be provided or furnished under the said Rules or in case of any irregularity, the registration of such entity may be revoked by the CPCB for a period up to five-years after giving an opportunity to be heard and in addition, environmental compensation charges may also be levied as per provisions under said Rules and amendment thereof.
  2. The registered entity will be given an opportunity to be heard, prior to the CPCB considering the cancellation or suspension of the registration.

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