Revision of Working Hours for Labourers to Prevent Sunstroke Due to Rising Temperatures in Kerala

Notification/Circular No.: LCO/707/2025-En(2) 

Document Date: February 11, 2025  

Applicable Act/Rule: Kerala Minimum Wages Rules, 1953 

Applicable Section/Rule: Rule 24 and 25 

With the onset of summer in Kerala and a rapid increase in daytime temperatures, workers engaged in outdoor labour across various regions of the state are vulnerable to sunstroke. Considering public welfare and worker safety, the working hours of labourers employed in the state are restructured in accordance with Rules 24 and 25 of the Kerala Minimum Wages Rules, 1958. The new schedule will be applicable from February 11, 2025, to May 10, 2025 with the following revised conditions to be strictly followed by inspection officers. 

Restructured Working Hours and Conditions: 

1. Revised Work Schedule: 

  • All workers performing outdoor tasks under direct sunlight shall have a mandatory rest period from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. 
  • Their total working hours are fixed at 8 hours within the time frame of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. 
  • For shift workers: 
    • The morning shift shall end at 12:00 PM. 
    • The afternoon shift shall commence at 3:00 PM.

2. Exemptions: 

  • Regions located above 3,000 feet from sea level, where exposure to direct sunlight is minimal, are excluded from the purview of this order. 

3. Emergency Modifications: 

In case of any local emergency that requires modifications to the designated period under this order, a detailed report must be submitted by the concerned officer of Plantations to the Labor Commissioner. 

4. Monitoring and Reporting: 

  • District Labor Officers / Plantation Inspectors must upload daily reports on the implementation of this order in the prescribed Google Spreadsheet format by 4:30 PM each day link is attached in the circular. 
  • The respective Regional Joint Labor Commissioners and the Chief Inspector of Plantations are responsible for ensuring that all District Labor Officers and Plantation Inspectors comply with this directive and update the Google Spreadsheet in a timely manner. 

5. Inspection and Enforcement Measures: 

  • Special inspections must be conducted across various labour- intensive sectors. Particular attention shall be given to construction sites, road construction areas, and mining sites. 
  • Daily inspections must be carried out to ensure compliance, and reports should be prepared in a structured format. 
  • Three special inspection teams shall be formed in each district under the leadership of the concerned officer. 
  • The Regional Joint Labor Commissioners must ensure that a complete list of inspection teams and their assigned areas is submitted to the Labor Commissioner’s Office. 


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