A. Background
The Sexual Harassment electronic Box (SHe-Box) is an initiative by the Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India (GoI) aimed at providing a unified platform for all women to report instances of sexual harassment(SH), regardless of their employment status or sector—whether they work in the organised or unorganised sectors, or in the private or public domain. This portal allows women facing sexual harassment at the workplace to easily file complaints. Once a complaint is submitted to the SHe-Box, it is automatically forwarded to the appropriate authority responsible for addressing the issue.
B. Acts/Rules for SH
The Regulations governing Sexual Harassment at workplaces are outlined in The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013. The Act/Rules and various Guidelines & Notifications pertaining to the aforesaid matters can be accessed at: https://shebox.wcd.gov.in/legalprovision
C. For Registering Complaints Related to Sexual Harassment at Workplace
For registering complaints through the SHe-Box, a valid email id and mobile number is required. To register a complaint, one is required to click on the tab Register your Complaint as shown on the Homescreen of the website (https://shebox.wcd.gov.in/) For Further details, reference can be made to the User Manual uploaded on the website.
D. Handbook about SH Act
The site also features a Handbook which provides information about the SH Act in an easy to use practical manner along with a training module to build capacity of government officials around the provisions of the SH Act. This module could be customised by the private organisations as per their extant service rules. Further, for government officials the repository contains all the advisories/OM/guidelines issued by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). All these documents could be viewed online or downloaded free of cost. The repository also contains videos on the issue which could be utilised for building awareness around the SH Act.
E. Verification Forms for Empanelment
The SHe Box site also provides for Verification Form for Empanelment of Individual Trainer and Organizations providing POSH Act trainings.
For more information on the subject, please visit the SHe Box Portal at https://shebox.wcd.gov.in/about
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