Battery Waste Management Amendment Rules, 2025

Notification No.: S.O. 958(E) 

Applicable Act/Rule: Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 

Effective Date: Date of publication in the Official Gazette 

Key Amendments to the Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022: 

1. Exemption for Certain Packaging: 

    • Packaging covered under Rule 26 of the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 is exempted from specific labeling requirements.


2. Barcode/QR Code for EPR Compliance: 

    • Producers can meet labeling requirements by printing a barcode or QR code containing their Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) registration number on: 
      • The battery or battery pack 
      • Equipment containing the battery or battery pack 
      • Packaging of the battery, battery pack, or equipment 
      • Bulk packaging (not for retail sale) 
    • Additionally, the EPR registration number must be printed on the product information brochure. 
    • The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) will maintain a public list of producers who comply with this requirement, updating details quarterly.


3. Exemption from Marking for Low Cadmium & Lead Batteries: 

    • Batteries with Cadmium content ≤ 0.002% (20 parts per million) or Lead content ≤ 0.004% (40 parts per million) are exempt from the requirement to mark the ‘Cd’ or ‘Pb’ chemical symbol.


These amendments aim to streamline compliance for battery producers while maintaining environmental safeguards. 

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