Obligatory Cession for FY 2025-26

Notification /Circular No.: F. No IRDAI/RI/6/213/2025 

Applicable Act/Rule: Insurance Act, 1938 

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has issued a notification on “Obligatory Cession for FY 2025-26”, applicable to Indian Re-insurers and insurers under Section 101A of the Insurance Act, 1938. 

Key Highlights: 

  • Cession Percentage: 4% of the sum insured on each general insurance policy must be reinsured with GIC Re (General Insurance Corporation of India). Terrorism and Nuclear Pool premiums are exempt (NIL cession). 

  • No Limit on Sum Insured: Ceding insurers must notify Indian Re-insurers of underwriting details when cession exceeds specified limits. 

  • Commission Rates: 
    • Motor TP & Oil & Energy: Minimum 5% 
    • Group Health: Minimum 10% 
    • Crop Insurance: Minimum 7.5% 
    • Aviation: As per industry terms 
    • All other insurance classes: Minimum 15% 
    • Higher commission can be mutually agreed. 

  • Profit Commission: 50:50 sharing between Indian Re-insurer and ceding insurer, based on portfolio performance over three years, factoring loss %, management expenses (2%), profit (5%), and commission (12.5%). 

This notification is effective for policies issued between April 1, 2025, and March 31, 2026. 

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