
Control of Water Pollution (Grant, Refusal, or Cancellation of Consent) Guidelines, 2025

Notification/Circular No.: G.S.R. 85(E)

Document Date: January 30, 2025

Applicable Act/Rule: The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

Applicable Section/Rule: Section 27

The Control of Water Pollution (Grant, Refusal, or Cancellation of Consent) Guidelines, 2025, have been introduced under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. These guidelines aim to streamline the consent process for industrial units while ensuring strict compliance with pollution control norms.

1. Application Process and Fees

  • Consent applications must be submitted in the prescribed format along with the applicable fee, as determined by state governments or Union Territory administrations.
  • Industrial units applying for consent renewal at least four months before expiry will receive a 5% rebate.
  • Late submissions will incur additional fees:
    1. 25% extra if submitted 120-45 days before expiry.
    2. 50% extra if submitted 45 days before expiry.
    3. 100% extra if submitted after expiry.

2. Validity of Consent

Consent to Establish: Valid for five years, extendable by two years.

Consent to Operate: Valid for a period of-

  • Red-category industries: 5 years
  • Orange-category industries: 10 years
  • Green-category industries: 15 years
  • Blue-category industries: Additional 2 years

3. Criteria for Industrial Plant Locations

  • Restrictions apply near sensitive areas (national parks, wetlands, monuments, etc.).
  • Minimum distance requirements for industrial units:
  • From water bodies: 500m (Red), 75m (Orange with effluents), 30m (Green and Orange without effluents)
  • From settlements and heritage sites: 500m (Red), 200m (Orange), 100m (Green)

4. Inspection and Compliance

  • The State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) will conduct inspections before granting consent.
  • Industries must maintain minimum distances from water bodies and residential areas, varying by category.
  • A common consent process is introduced for industries handling hazardous waste, integrating authorization under the Hazardous Waste Management Rules, 2016.

5. Monitoring and Enforcement

(i) National-Level Monitoring: A National Monitoring Committee will oversee the implementation, chaired by an Additional or Joint Secretary of the Ministry.

(ii) State-Level Monitoring: A State-Level Monitoring Committee, led by the Secretary of the State Environment Department, will handle consent approvals and enforcement at the local level. The committee will review delays in granting consent and recommend disciplinary actions where necessary.

(iii) Digital Implementation: A centralized online portal will be developed for submission, tracking, and processing of consent applications.

  • Once operational, all applications must be submitted digitally.
  • The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) will receive a 5% service fee from application charges for portal maintenance and oversight.

6. Additional Conditions and Violations

  • SPCBs may impose additional local conditions but cannot dilute national standards.
  • Non-compliance with these guidelines will result in action under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974.

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