Andhra Pradesh Public Safety (Measures) Enforcement, 2013, is a legislative measure enacted by Government of Andhra Pradesh to ensure public safety and security within the state of Andhra Pradesh.
It extends to the whole areas of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Vijayawada Municipal Corporation, Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation, the Corporations constituted under the Andhra Pradesh Municipal Corporations Act, 1994, and such other areas and places as may be identified and notified by the State Government from time to time.
Objective: The primary objective of the act is to provide protection to citizens, their property, uphold public safety, promote peace, and safeguard the rights and interests of its citizens and the overall well-being of society.
Applicability of the act: Every owner or manager or person or the persons running an establishment frequented by large number of people with a likelihood of public gathering of 100 people or more at a time, such as commercial establishments, industrial establishments, religious places, educational institutions, hospitals, sports complexes, railway stations, bus stations, places of organized congregations and such other establishments as the Government, may by notification declare, shall provide and maintain public safety measures so as to ensure safety and security of the public visiting their establishment.
Meaning of public safety measures:
Public Safety Measures means Access Controls or Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera Systems at entry and exit points of the establishments and their designated parking areas by installing, –
Summary of important provisions of Gujarat Public Safety (Measures) Enforcement Act, 2022:
4. Equipment of minimum technical specifications for Access Control and Surveillance Devices (CCTVs) (Rule 5(i) & 5(ii)): Every establishment / association shall provide equipment of minimum technical specifications for Access Control and Surveillance Devices (CCTVs) as under:
5. Trained personnel to operate Electronic Devices (Rule 5(iii)): Every establishment /association shall keep one of the employees or a person from outsourcing agency having trained to operate Electronic Devices like Access control and CCTV Cameras
6. Provisions relating to the Cameras in the premises (Rule 5(v), (vi) & (vii)):
Penalties: For failure to comply, a notice will be issued to comply within 15 days. If the directions are still not complied with, a compounding fee may be levied on the owner/manager/person or the persons who are running such establishment, –
In case of failure to comply with directions within a period of two months, premises shall be sealed temporarily and a report is sent to the licensing authority. The licensing authority will further issue a show cause notice and initiate action as per the provisions of law governing the issuance of license
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