TDS Return – Trustees of Approved Superannuation Fund

Trustees of approved superannuation fund pay the contributions made by an employer including interest thereon to an employee
Form 49C – Submission of annual statement by a non-resident having liaison office in India

A non-resident having a liaison office in India shall deliver a Statement in Form 49C in respect of his activities carried on in FY to the Assessing Officer
Income Tax Return (ITR)

Section 139(1) states that every person- must file return on or before the due date in the prescribed forms
Form 64A and 64B

Form 64A and 64B under Income Tax act is about Statement of Income to be furnished by Business Trust to unit holders
Form 58C and 58D

Form 58C: Form of report by an approved association or institution under clause (ii) of sub-section (4) of section 35AC
Form 26QAA – Return of Non-Deduction of TDS by Banking Company from Interest on Time Deposit

The quarterly return to be furnished by a banking company in respect of time deposits should be in Form 26QAA.
Form 15CC – Quarterly Statement of Foreign Remittance by Authorized Dealer

The authorised dealer shall furnish a quarterly statement for each quarter of the financial year in Form No.15CC
Tax Deducted at Source- TDS

The concept of Tax Deducted at Source- TDS was introduced with an aim to collect tax from the very source of income
Equalisation Levy

Equalisation levy deducted u/s 165 shall be deposited to credit of Central Govt by the 7th day of month immediately following calendar month.
Annual Audit of Accounts for Approved Programmes u/s Section 35(2AA)

Section 35(2AA) states that where the assessee pays any sum, that the sum shall be used for scientific research undertaken under a programme approved in this behalf by the prescribed authority