Quarterly Progress Reports

RERA Rajasthan Quarterly Progress Reports (QPR’s) Applicability: All registered projects under RERA Rajasthan Periodicity: Quarterly Due Date: Within 1 month from the end of Quarter Certificate Required with QPR’s: R1, R2, and R3 Form R-1: Certificate by Architect Form R-2: Certificate by Engineer Form R-3: Certificate by Charted Accountant (R3 certificate must not be issued by the CA who is Statutory Auditor of the Company) Fees for modifying QPR: Rs. 2000 – lf the editing is done before the end of the next Quarter. Rs. 5000 – lf the editing is done after the end of the next Quarter. Late Fees : Rs. 5000 for each delayed submission First and Last quarter in which QPR needs to be updated: First QPR becomes due at the end of the quarter in which a project is registered Last QPR becomes due at the end of the quarter in which project is completed i.e. quarter in which completion certificate is issued. Reference : https://rera.rajasthan.gov.in/Content/pdf/2318RERA%20order%20dated%2001012021%20for%20QPR.pdf https://jda.urban.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/raj/udh/udh%20department/pdf/Notifications/Adobe%20Scan%2029%20Nov%202021%20(1).pdf
Annual Progress Reports (APR’s)

RERA Rajasthan Annual Progress Reports (APR’s) Applicability: All registered projects under RERA RajasthanPeriodicity: AnnuallyDue Date: Within 6 months of the end of FY Certificate Required with APR: R-4: Annual Report on Statement of Accounts (on the letter head of Chartered Accountant, who is Statutory Auditor of the Promoter’s company/firm.) Note: The promoter shall get his accounts audited within six months after the end of every financial year by a Charted Accountant in practice, and shall produce a statement of accounts duly certified and signed by such Charted Accountant, also Form R4 has to be issued by a Chartered Accountant in practice, who is the Statutory Auditor of the promoter’s enterprise. Such Chartered Accountant cannot issue Form R-3 for the project Fees for modifying APR’s: Rs. 2000 – If the editing is done before the end of the next year. 5000 – If the editing is done after the end of the next Year. Late Fees : Rs. 5000 for each delayed submission First and Last quarter in which APR needs to be updated: First APR becomes due at the end of the year in which a project is registered Last APR becomes due at the end of the year in which the project has been completed, i.e., the year in which completion certificate has been obtained. Reference : https://rera.rajasthan.gov.in/Content/pdf/5794APR%20Order.pdf